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LOM JCI Harbour
Document Format
1978 Harbour Jaycees Souvenir Programme 2nd Anniversary Ball PDF 
1985 HJC Outstanding Social Affairs A Awards Cheme PDF 
2003 HJC 27th Annual General Meeting Report PDF 
1990 HJC 廢物回收再造之經濟效益研討會 PDF 
1982 HJC 6th Anniversary Ball PDF 
HJC 2005 AGM Report PDF 
1977 the Adventures of Pinocchio PDF 
HJC 2005 AGM Planning Report PDF 
1980 香港海港青年商會 日本金澤青年會議所 簽盟之夜 PDF 
1979 HJC International Children Painting Contest PDF 
1997 HJC Leadership Handbook PDF 
1981 海港青年商會 5週年餐舞會 PDF